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How to create dropdown select in Symfony easy admin crud panel?

I am new in Symfony. I have relation tables such as authors, books and book_authors. One book can have many authors and one author can have many books. So, here is my tables:

enter image description here

And now, I am trying to implement crud controller with easy admin extension.


namespace AppControllerAdmin;

use AppEntityBooks;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleConfigCrud;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleControllerAbstractCrudController;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleFieldIntegerField;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleFieldTextField;

class BooksCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public static function getEntityFqcn(): string
        return Books::class;

    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        return [

    public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
        return $crud
            ->setSearchFields(['publish_year', 'isbn', 'title', 'pages'])



namespace AppControllerAdmin;

use AppEntityAuthors;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleConfigCrud;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleControllerAbstractCrudController;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleFieldTextField;

class AuthorsCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public static function getEntityFqcn(): string
        return Authors::class;

    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        return [

    public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
        return $crud
            ->setSearchFields(['name', 'first_name', 'last_name'])

But in BookAuthorsCrudController I have a problems:


namespace AppControllerAdmin;

use AppEntityBookAuthors;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleConfigCrud;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleControllerAbstractCrudController;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleFieldAssociationField;

class BookAuthorsCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public static function getEntityFqcn(): string
        return BookAuthors::class;

    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        return [
//            ChoiceField::new('author')->setChoices(['Joan' => 1, 'Rowling' => 2]),
// this give me only search by id, not by other fields that I need, for example I need:
// authors by name + first_name + last_name and books by title.

    public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
        return $crud
            ->setSearchFields(['book_id', 'author_id'])

I can’t use book_id and author_id to implement search function. Only book and author as it realised in BookAuthor Entity:


namespace AppEntity;

use AppRepositoryBookAuthorsRepository;
use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;

 * @ORMEntity(repositoryClass=BookAuthorsRepository::class)
class BookAuthors
     * @ORMId
     * @ORMGeneratedValue
     * @ORMColumn(type="integer")
    private $id;

     * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity=Authors::class, inversedBy="books")
     * @ORMJoinColumn(nullable=false)
    private $author;

     * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity=Books::class, inversedBy="authors")
     * @ORMJoinColumn(nullable=false)
    private $book;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getAuthor(): ?Authors
        return $this->author;

    public function setAuthor(?Authors $author): self
        $this->author = $author;

        return $this;

    public function getBook(): ?Books
        return $this->book;

    public function setBook(?Books $book): self
        $this->book = $book;

        return $this;

Help me please!



Use dots to search in Doctrine associations for the search.

(e.g. ‘’ or ‘’) instead of book_id or author_id.

Or implement __toString() method in Book and Author.

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