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How to count the rows by created date in Laravel query builder?

I am trying to count the rows by created_at like

Created_at                        COUNT(*)
----------------------------------- ----------
2017-08-13                                    5
2017-08-12                                    6
2017-08-11                                    7
2017-07-10                                    8
2017-07-19                                    1

So I can show the client like in 2017-07-10, there are 8 people signed up. In 2017-08-13, there are 5 people signed up or something like that.

Here is what I tried,

    // return $count;

but this is just showing only the number.



You could try something like this:

$count = DB::table('jobseekers')
             ->select('created_at', DB::raw('count(*) as peoples'))
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