apologies if this sounds super stupid.
I’ve spent some time trying to do this, and the only way I’ve found is after clicking something like a button.
I have a form for generating license keys and I would like to copy license key to clipboard after generation, so I’d like to know if there’s some JavaScript code that I can echo to make this work, so far I’ve had no luck with the below code:
<?php echo '<script> var e = "texttocopy"; var tempItem = document.createElement('input'); tempItem.setAttribute('type','text'); tempItem.setAttribute('display','none'); let content = e; if (e instanceof HTMLElement) { content = e.innerHTML; } tempItem.setAttribute('value',content); document.body.appendChild(tempItem); tempItem.select(); document.execCommand('Copy'); tempItem.parentElement.removeChild(tempItem); alert("Successfully copied the key to your clipboard!"); } </script>'; ?>
I appreciate any help, thank you.
You can use navigator.clipboard.writeText
<script> navigator.clipboard.writeText('texttocopy'); </script>