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How to change a ‘php.ini’ setting in a PHP file

I am installing vtiger6 on a client’s server. I don’t have access to the php.ini file. I have tried to change some php.ini setting through my index.php file. Some settings work fine:


But I am not able to set up the following:


And also I need to change the following too. I don’t know whether this is right or not.




The reason why error_reporting did work not is you set its value to the following string. 'E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED'. But it should not be a string. E_* values are PHP constants and should be used outside quotes like:


Also you are using binary XOR (^) between these constants, which is unusual. The suggested value for a production environments is to use E_ALL alone, for debugging. If you want all errors except E_DEPRECATED, you can use E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED.

Some PHP settings cannot be changed with ini_set. You can check the PHP documentation for which variables allow setting on the file level. For example, max_file_uploads is only changeable from the php.ini file (documentation).

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