I have image creation code in image_creator.
<?php header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); $im = ImageCreateFromGif("photo.gif"); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $start_x = 10; $start_y = 20; Imagettftext($im, 12, 0, $start_x, $start_y, $black, 'verdana.ttf', "text to write"); Imagejpeg($im, '', 100); ImageDestroy($im); ?>
The file for image output is image.php and has below code
<html> <head> </head> <body> <img src="http://localhost/image_creator.php"/> </body> </html>
When I run image.php, I just get a blank page. Why is it so?
Use this to add text to image (copied from PHP for Kids)
<?php //Set the Content Type header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // Create Image From Existing File $jpg_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('sunset.jpg'); // Allocate A Color For The Text $white = imagecolorallocate($jpg_image, 255, 255, 255); // Set Path to Font File $font_path = 'font.TTF'; // Set Text to Be Printed On Image $text = "This is a sunset!"; // Print Text On Image imagettftext($jpg_image, 25, 0, 75, 300, $white, $font_path, $text); // Send Image to Browser imagejpeg($jpg_image); // Clear Memory imagedestroy($jpg_image); ?>