I have a date field in Y-m-d H:i:s
format. Now user can search by using date only. I have query like this:
$qb->andWhere('DATE(vc.updatedDatetime) >= :startDate AND DATE(vc.updatedDatetime) <= :endDate')
->setParameter('startDate', $filterArray['startDate'])
->setParameter('endDate', $filterArray['endDate']);
I have added following lines at my doctrine.yaml
DATE: DoctrineExtensionsQueryMysqlDate
But I am getting following error:
Attempted to load class "Date" from namespace "DoctrineExtensionsQueryMysql".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "Twig_Extensions_Extension_Date" or "SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraintsDate"?
While you could create your own extension to add the DATE
function to Doctrine, or download something like beberlei/DoctrineExtensions to do it for you, in the end is a waste of time. You do not need it.
You could simply do:
->andWhere('vc.updatedDatetime > :startDate')
->andWhere('vc.updatedDatetime < :endDate')
->setParameter('startDate', $startDate)
->setParameter('endDate', $endDate)
For your start date, you need nothing but to use the >
operator. A date time string without a time part will be treated as a datetime with the time part set to 00:00:00
For the end date, you simply need to use the <
operator, and add one day to whatever date the user provides.
$endDate = (new DateTime($filterArray['endDate']))->add(new DateInterval('P1D'))
Assuming the provided date is in “YYYY-MM-DD” format, which seems to be the case because of how you are using your code, the above would suffice.