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How do I load an External CSS Style Sheet UNDER an IF condition in CodeIgniter

Here is the server versions I know you might need:

  • CodeIgniter Version: 3.1.9
  • PHP Version: 7.3.6

I am new to php and web design in general.

This is particularly true when it comes to CodeIgniter’s PHP shorthand tools. A friend of mine who has become increasingly hard to get in touch with due to her “day job” is the one who wrote the code for this site a couple years ago. Recently, I have been on my own with it for awhile now and I am learning a lot. But, I recently encountered a small issue that I wonder if anyone could help me with:

Originally all my CSS files were all external stylesheets. Of those stylesheets, ALL of them were loading 100% of the time. So, I got to thinking: “I wonder if it is possible to have individual stylesheets load in CodeIgniter at specific times for specific pages. What brought about this idea is my “main.css” holds the bulk of my site styles but it is now getting into some 585 lines of styles. It would make things go much easier from an updating perspective if I could offload some of that into individual stylesheets for easier editing that would make life a lot easier.

To all you coders out there that may sound simple enough right? Well, there is a slight catch with the fact that I am trying to load in specific styes at a specific time. To better explain this, I should note that there are two areas of the site. One is the public side that everyone can see. The other is what I call the “Admin Side” but all that is really there is the edit console to add pages, see server code versions, etc. That brings me to the heart of my question. How do I add a stylesheet in CodeIgniter’s PHP framework that only applies if a user is “logged in”? This is because these styles only apply to that content. I already have a system in place to load in “admin only items” like a Q&A/Notes nav bar in what she set up as “if $admin….” I don’t know if that helps but that is the point that I want this “admin.css” file to load at.

So, here is where I am lost. I realize you guys need to see some files in order to help but I don’t know which ones.

I know you might need to see the main “Site” controller so here is that one



The template page the css needs to load in:



I am not sure what else you might need to see. So, please reply back and I will provide anything else that may be required.

Thank you all in advance!




In your view ie template.php(here), you just have to check the condition as you’re checking in your controller


Also, you’re checking the condition in your view with $admin to show login and logout button, you can do just that –


See if this helps you.

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