My first JSON is:
{ "categoryId":"Painting", "subCategoryId":"Residential", "alternatives": [1,2,3,4,5], "criterias":["price","quantity","yom","company"], "answers":[["1000","12343","4543","","4645646"],["12","23","34","","45"],["2014","","2000","1990","2005"],["xyz","","Abc","jkl","mno"]] }
This will come from a java URL, here I am using PHP, in PHP I am calling a java URL.
My Second JSON is:
I am generating this using JQuery. How can I include the second JSON into the first JSON criterias?
You need to convert your first JSON string to object and add a new property to it.
If it is Java, you can use Google’s Gson library
Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonObject jsonObj = gson.fromJson (jsonStr, JsonElement.class).getAsJsonObject(); jsonObj.add("criterias", "Location");
If it is JavaScript,
var jObj = JSON.parse(jsonString); jObj.criterias = "Location"; //jObj.NewItem = "NewValue";