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How do I get the total number of students who are only active

I have two tables that store data for students – the students table and student_session table

students table structure


student_session table structure


Now, I’ve been able to get the total number of students in a class using this query


However, there are some students who have been disabled for non-payment of school fees or those that have left the school permanently. The problem is since these students were only disabled and not deleted, the query still counts them to the active students.

Now, I want to exclude the disabled students from being counted.

Note – in the students table structure, the ‘is_active’ row stores data for if a student is active or disabled. ‘yes’ means a student is active, ‘no’ means a student has been disabled.

How do I go about this?



Or a little more succinctly, you can just use the mysql COUNT() function with AS:

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