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How can I start a WSL-based Linux executable from within PHP on Windows and capture its stdout?

I have a program that only works on Linux, and I have my development environment on Windows.

  • When I run a WSL command from cmd in Windows it works as expected.

    • When I run C:wsl echo "foo" in cmd.exe I get foo back via stdout.
  • When I run the same command from within php via exec I don’t get any stdout output and get an exit code -1073740791 which I assume is an error.







As discussed in the comments, the underlying issue was that your systemwide Apache web-server service (wampapache64) was configured to run as NT AuthoritySYSTEM (aka Local System or LocalSystem).

…and running anything like a web-server as LocalSystem is a very, very bad idea for other reasons, especially when it’s running PHP code – a simple mistake in uploaded-file handling or a failure to correctly sanitize user input could potentially hose your entire computer, especially when it’s a publicly-exposed web-server that a malicious attacker can connect to.


Apparently when a process is running as SYSTEM it cannot use Win32’s CreateProcess to invoke wsl to then indirectly invoke a Linux program.

So by changing your web-server to run as a real user account that meant that the CreateProcess... call invoked wsl within a supported environment.

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