<?php class Person{ $age; $firstname; $lastname; function print_name(){ echo $this->firstname.' '.$this->lastname.' is '.$this->age.' years old.'; } } $person1 = new Person(); $person1->age = 17; $person1->firstname = "Muller"; $person1->lastname = "Thimo"; $person1->print_name(); ?>
These are the codes i used and these are the errors i’m getting
class property should have visibility like public ,private ,protected
so it should be like
class Person{ public $age; public $firstname; public $lastname; function print_name(){ echo $this->firstname.' '.$this->lastname.' is '.$this->age.' years old.'; } } $person1 = new Person(); $person1->age = 17; $person1->firstname = "Muller"; $person1->lastname = "Thimo"; $person1->print_name(); ?>
You can read here https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php