I am trying to save an mp4 file from audio live stream by PHP script initiated by cron job.
It’s expected to work for 75 minutes, but the problem is it runs for only 45 minutes. I found that the server may disconnect the process and not allow the script to run for such a long time.
I checked my PHP ini settings from CPanel and I found this:
allow_url_fopen Enabled display_errors Disabled enable_dl Disabled file_uploads Enabled max_execution_time 30 max_input_time 60 max_input_vars 1000 memory_limit 256M post_max_size 512M session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 session.save_path /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php74 upload_max_filesize 512M zlib.output_compression Disabled
This is my PHP script:
<?php function flush_buffers(){ ob_end_flush(); ob_flush(); flush(); ob_start(); } $path = __DIR__ . '/save.mp4'; $stream = fopen( 'request url', "rb" ); $save = fopen($path, "w"); $startTime = time(); $finishTime = $startTime + (60*75); while ( $finishTime >= time() ){ $response = fread( $stream, 8192 ); fwrite($save,$response); flush_buffers(); } fclose( $stream ); fclose($save); exit(); ?>
The problem is because of shared server hosting limitations. The shared server does not allow any script to run for more than 45 minutes (VPS & dedicated run normally).
I get around this issue by run 2 separate cron jobs (40 minutes between every job) instead of one big one.
- The 1st job creates a file and saves data to it.
- The 2nd job appends data onto the same file for the rest of stream duration.
Every script works for 40 minutes only in order to avoid the server killing the script.
Here is my final code:
<?php // Ignore user aborts and allow the script to run forever ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); $path = __DIR__ . '/save.mp3'; $stream = fopen( 'my url', "rb" ); $save = fopen($path, "a"); $startTime = time(); $finishTime = $startTime + (60*40); while ( $finishTime >= time() ){ $response = fread( $stream, 8192 ); fwrite($save,$response); } fclose( $stream ); fclose($save); exit(); ?>