I have connected to my database with PHP and selected a bunch of names with a query. Each name has an id value. I created a while loop that loops through the results and outputs something like this:
$name_id = 01 <a href='page.php'>name1</a>
$name_id = 02 <a href='page.php'>name2</a>
$name_id = 03 <a href='page.php'>name3</a>
(id only displayed for explanation purposes)
At the linked page I want to run a query like SELECT * FROM database.table WHERE name_id = $name_id
to select the attributes of the name clicked.
How can I access the name ID of the clicked link to later use that ID in a query in my PHP code?
Add a query string on to each URL.
<a href='page.php?name=1'>name1</a>
<a href='page.php?name=2'>name2</a>
<a href='page.php?name=3'>name3</a>
Then you can get the parameter in PHP using $_REQUEST['name']