I have Articles with Categories in a mysql Database. I would like to print out all Articles with their corresponding Categories as JSON in PHP to fetch with my Vue-App.
I’m working with the following tables: Articles, Categories and Article_has_Category (junction table, many to many):
Articles "ID" | "Title" ------------ 1 | First 2 | Second Categories "ID" | "Category" ------------ 1 | Lifestyle 2 | Webtech Article_has_Categories "ID" | "Article_ID" | "Category_ID" -------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 2 | 1 | 2
The following PHP-Code selects and prints all Articles for my Frontend to fetch:
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM Articles;"); $stmt->bindParam(':param'); if ($stmt->execute()) { $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); $jsonArray = json_encode($array); print_r($jsonArray); }
Printed JSON-Output: [ {"ID":"1","Title":"First"}, {"ID":"2","Title":"Second"} ]
Is it somehow possible to insert all Categories as an array into that JSON-Output?
Desired JSON-Output: [ {"ID":"1","Title":"First", "Categories": "[Lifestyle, Webtech]" }, {"ID":"2","Title":"Second", "Categories": "[]"} ]
Currently I’m building the desired object in my frontend first using “SELECT * FROM Articles;” to fetch all articles and then in a seperate call, fetching the corresponding categories by Article ID using the statement below:
SELECT c.Category FROM article_has_category ac INNER JOIN Categories c ON c.ID = ac.Category_ID WHERE ac.Article_ID = :id;
Is there any solution combining the two statements and building the desired object directly in my PHP File?
Okay I solved this by assembling my own JSON in PHP, instead of using json_encode().
My code is not very pretty but I commented it a bit for you to understand:
<?php $stmt = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT * FROM Articles; "); $stmt_categories = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT c.Category FROM article_has_category ac INNER JOIN Categories c ON c.ID = ac.Category_ID WHERE ac.Article_ID = :id; "); if ($stmt->execute()) { $result = $stmt -> fetchAll(); // count items in result, in order to determine later which is the last one $numItems = count($result); $i = 0; // prepare the json-array to print out in the php file $printArray = '['; // for each article, run the second sql-statement using the article-ID foreach( $result as $row ) { $stmt_categories->bindParam(':id', $row['ID']); // executing the second statement if ($stmt_categories->execute()) { $result_category = $stmt_categories -> fetchAll(); // save the fetched categories into a new array, using the function makeArray() $categories = makeArray($result_category); // build the json object by hand, no more need for json_encode() $element = '{'; $element .= ' "ID": '; $element .= '"' . $row['ID'] . '",'; $element .= $categories; $element .= ' "Title": '; $element .= '"' . $row['Title'] . '"'; $element .= '}'; if(++$i === $numItems) { // if it's the last item, do nothing } else { // if not, add a comma $element .= ','; } // add the built element to the printArray $printArray .= $element; } } $printArray .= ']'; // finally print the array print_r($printArray); } function makeArray($categoryArray){ $category_element .= ' "Category": '; $category_element .= "["; $numCategories = count($categoryArray); $n = 0; foreach( $categoryArray as $row ) { $category_element .= '"' . $row['Category'] . '"'; if(++$n === $numCategories) { // if it's the last item, do nothing } else { // if not, add a comma $category_element .= ','; } } $category_element .= "],"; return $category_element; }