I need to start the “weekday” of getdate()
to Monday instead of Sunday, is there a way to do this?
Here is my code, don’t worry about the parameters in validatePlanningVendeur
the problem is when i try to get the current date arret
, so that it can validate from Monday till arret
You might notice i wrote $arret = $today["wday"]-1;
,this is my attempt to bypass the wkday
Sunday = 0 so that Monday is 0, but now it does not work for Sunday because it is equal to -1.
To get it short, right now $arret
work from Monday to Saturday only.
function validatePlanningVendeur($week, $vendeur, $boutique, $type_connecte, $user_connecte){
$connexion = connexion();
// Getting the current date in order to get the end
$today = getdate();
$arret = $today["wday"]-1; // attempt to bypass sunday = 0
// echo("Aujourdhui : " . $today["wday"]);
// echo("arret: " . $arret);
// We get every day of the week until today ($arret)
for($i = 0; $i <= $arret ; $i++){
// On crée le year-month-day pour chaque jour de la semaine
// echo($week[$i]);
$dateCurrent = getdate($week[$i]);
$day = $dateCurrent['mday'];
$month = $dateCurrent['mon'];
$year = $dateCurrent['year'];
// Used to fetch from DB
$jour = $year. '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
// echo("Jour : " . $jour . " ");
if($type_connecte == 1){ //Si c'est un RPV qui est connecté
// On assigne id_validation = 1
$request_validate = $connexion->prepare("UPDATE plannings SET id_validation = ? WHERE date_planning = ? AND id_employe = ? AND id_validation = ? AND id_boutique = ?");
$request_validate->execute(array(1, $jour, $vendeur, 0, $boutique));
}else{// On ne prend pas en compte la valeur boutique pour le RC
$request_validate = $connexion->prepare("UPDATE plannings SET id_validation = ? WHERE date_planning = ? AND id_employe = ? AND id_validation = ?");
$request_validate->execute(array(1, $jour, $vendeur, 0,));
Try to use this:
$today = new DateTime();
// Get ordinal number of the day of the week by ISO 8601.
// It starts from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).
$arret = $today->format('N'); // Today is 7th day
for ($i = 0; $i <= $arret - 1 ; $i++) {
// do something