I want to hide one row in the table on account page in woocommerce. This item is called ‘end’ or ‘end date’ in the table class = shop_table subscription_details.
How can I do it will a CSS snippet?
You should not use CSS to hide this but rather replace the template in your child theme. Woocommerce uses a template system that allows to cleanly modify the templates of its plugins or itself.
In your child theme create the folders “woocommerce/myaccount” and copy subscription-details.php from the plugin.
You will then have the following path:
Source: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/
Then edit this file and remove this line:
'end' => _x( 'End date', 'customer subscription table header', 'woocommerce-subscriptions' ),
So you will have:
$dates_to_display = apply_filters( 'wcs_subscription_details_table_dates_to_display', array(
'start_date' => _x( 'Start date', 'customer subscription table header', 'woocommerce-subscriptions' ),
'last_order_date_created' => _x( 'Last order date', 'customer subscription table header', 'woocommerce-subscriptions' ),
'next_payment' => _x( 'Next payment date', 'customer subscription table header', 'woocommerce-subscriptions' ),
'trial_end' => _x( 'Trial end date', 'customer subscription table header', 'woocommerce-subscriptions' ),
), $subscription );
It should do the trick