I’m getting the node names of an XML using this code:
$url = 'https://www.toptanperpa.com/xml.php?c=shopphp&xmlc=e7ef2a0122'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url) or die("URL Read Error"); echo $xml->getName() . "<br>"; foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { echo $child->getName() . "<br>"; foreach ($child->children() as $child2) { echo $child2->getName() . "<br>"; foreach ($child2->children() as $child3) { echo $child3->getName() . "<br>"; foreach ($child3->children() as $child4) { echo $child4->getName() . "<br>"; } } } }
I’m getting the nodes and children correctly, however, it’s duplicating.
Result is as below:
urunler urun urun_aktif urun_metaKeywords urun_metaDescription urun_url urun urun_aktif urun_metaKeywords urun_metaDescription urun_url
Should I just use array_unique
or is there a better method?
i used recursive function this is simple
function getChildrens($x) { $children = array(); array_push($children, $x->getName()); foreach ($x->children() as $chld) { $children = array_merge($children, getChildrens($chld)); } return array_unique($children); } echo implode("<br>", getChildrens($xml));