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Getting rank of row in OrderBy desc Eloquent query, How can i make this query work in laravel 5.5 eloquents?)

I am trying to give my users a ranking number for my Laravel hiscores pagination table.

This is the MySQL query I found working. I am trying to put make this work as a Laravel eloquent query.

select @i := @i + 1 ranking, t.*
from (select @i:=0) initvars, users t  ORDER BY wins DESC;

My Laravel eloquent query right now:

$ranking = User::orderBy('wins', 'DESC')->paginate(10);



This is my solution.

I first added this function to my User Modal Class.

public function getRanking(){
   $collection = collect(User::orderBy('wins', 'DESC')->get());
   $data       = $collection->where('id', $this->id);
   $value      = $data->keys()->first() + 1;
   return $value;

Now in my view I run my getRanking() function.

@foreach($ranking as $key => $rankings)
        <td>{{ $rankings->getRanking() }}</td>
        <td><a href="{{ route('profileView', ['id' => $rankings->id]) }}">{{ $rankings->username }}</a></td>
        <td>{{ $rankings->wins }}</td>
        <td>{{ $rankings->losses }}</td>

I am using my array keys to determine the user ranking.

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