I am trying to call an async lamda function inside of my Php file. But here i am getting null as output.I am not sure about the structure of my below code for calling a async lamda function.
<?php /** * [getMOOCCouponListDetails description]. * * @param [type] $data [description] * @param [type] $vendorDetails [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use AwsLambdaLambdaClient; function addRewardsPoints($vendorid, $data) { if(empty($data) || empty($vendorid)){ HTTPFailWithCode(401,VBOXLITE_HTTP_MISSING_PARAMS); } $Payload = [ "subscriberid" => isset($data['subscriberid']) ? $data['subscriberid']:" ", "videocompletion" => isset($data['videocompletion']) ? $data['videocompletion']:" ", "profileid" => isset($data['profileid']) ? $data['profileid']:" ", "contentid" => isset($data['contentid']) ? $data['contentid']:" ", "courseid" => isset($data['courseid']) ? $data['courseid']:" ", "vendorid" => $vendorid, "paymentId" => isset($data['paymentId']) ? $data['paymentId']:" " , "planId" => isset($data['planId']) ? $data['planId']:" " , ]; $client = LambdaClient::factory( array( 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ) ); $result = $client->invokeAsync([ 'FunctionName' => 'actuator-jsonruleengine-dev', 'InvokeArgs' => $Payload ]); var_dump($result->get('Payload')); $finalResult = json_decode($result); errorlog_withlevel('addRewardsPoints POST output=======>' . json_encode($finalResult), 3); return $finalResult;
<?php /** * [getMOOCCouponListDetails description]. * * @param [type] $data [description] * @param [type] $vendorDetails [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; function addRewardsPoints($vendorid, $data) { $Payload = [ "subscriberid" => isset($data['subscriberid']) ? $data['subscriberid']:" ", "videocompletion" => isset($data['videocompletion']) ? $data['videocompletion']:" ", "profileid" => isset($data['profileid']) ? $data['profileid']:" ", "contentid" => isset($data['contentid']) ? $data['contentid']:" ", "courseid" => isset($data['courseid']) ? $data['courseid']:" ", "vendorid" => $vendorid, "paymentId" => isset($data['paymentId']) ? $data['paymentId']:" " , "planId" => isset($data['planId']) ? $data['planId']:" " , "profilename" => isset($data['profilename']) ? $data['profilename']:" " , ]; try { $client = new AwsLambdaLambdaClient( array( 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-1' ) ); $result = $client->invoke([ 'FunctionName' => 'actuator-jsonruleengine-dev', 'Payload' => json_encode($Payload) ]); errorlog_withlevel('addRewardsPoints POST output=======>' . json_encode($result), 3); return $result; } catch(Exception $e) { $errorData = formatError(1078); $errorData['reason'] = $e->getMessage(); errorlog_withlevel('exception=======>' . json_encode($e->getMessage()), 3); } }