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Get the final price with discount but only if column is not NULL. SQL

I use these sql tables with these columns:


id name phone adress etc..
1234 Test Name Test Phone Test Adress etc data.


customerid orderid orderdate
1234 OR_1234 2022-1-1

orderitems: (in this table one customer can have multiple rows(items)

id orderid productid
1 OR_1234 P1


productid productprice currency qty name weight
P1 10 USD 1 TEST 0.2 KG

So in this case if I want to get the FULL price from the order from customer I use this query:

SELECT sum( productprice ) as fullprice
FROM customers 
inner join orders on orders.customerid = 
inner join orderitems on orderitems.orderid = orders.orderid 
inner join products on products.productid = orderitems.productid 
WHERE = '1234' 

This query is working perfectly. But what if I want to add to this query a discount from discount table:


id name value status
1 Discount 1 valid

So I think I will need to create one more column in orders table with name for example: discount_code and if the discount_code column is not empty than subtract the discount value from productprice.

SELECT sum( productprice – discount.value ) as fullprice but how can I make this query? Thank you for help!

BTW I use MariaDB

Have a very nice day!



If you want to subtract only when your new column is not null, you could simply use IF() func inside you SUM()

In very simple example, assuming you added discount_code

create table Orders
  id int NOT NULL,
  price int NOT NULL,
  discount_code int NULL  

create table Discounts 
  id int not null,
  value int not null

insert into Orders
(1, 10, null),
(2, 10, null),
(3, 5, 1),
(4, 25, 1);

insert into Discounts
(1, 3);

select sum(if(o.discount_code is not null, o.price - d.value, o.price))
from Orders as o
left join Discounts as d
on o.discount_code =;

-- 10 + 10 + 2 + 22 = 44

You can also run the example here

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