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Get request for the policies in controller constructor

I’m setting up policies for my laravel application, and I’m stuck with a problem. I have to put the policy in the constructor of my controller this way:

 public function __construct()
        $this->middleware(['can:viewAny,AppModelsPhoto'], ['only' => ['index']]);
        $this->middleware(['can:view,photo'], ['only' => ['show']]);

Problem is, for the store action, I have to check one of the params sent in the request to check if the user is allowed to post on the related parent. According to the documentation, I could make my Policy this way:

public function store(User $user, int $parentId)
    $parent = Parent::find($parentId);
    return $user->id === $parent->user_id

And in the controller:

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->authorize('store', [$request->parent]);
    // The current user can store the photo...

But in the example, the authorization is put in the function, and there are no example with the usage of the request when treating the policy as a middleware. Is it even possible? I would have crafted something like:

    $this->middleware(['can:store,AppModelsPhoto,request->parent'], ['only' => ['store']]);

But that won’t work. Thanks a lot if you can help me on this one!



I found how to do it, I forgot about the request() helper. Thus, I can access everything put in the request, and I can call the helper directly inside the policy.

So I can do this in the contructor:

    $this->middleware(['can:store,AppModelsPhoto'], ['only' => ['store']]);

And in the PhotoPolicy:

public function store(User $user)
    $input = request()->input();
    $parent = Parent::find($input['parent_id']);
    return $user->id === $parent->user_id
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