I have the following error that I do not understand: “Attempted to call function “pasPointer” from namespace “AppController”.” The code that goes with it:
public function emargementsParCours(EntityManagerInterface $em, Request $request): Response { $session = $this->get('session'); $user = $this->getUser(); $teacherId = $user->getId(); $idCours = $request->get('idCours'); //dd($idCours); $utilisateurEtudiant = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Utilisateur::class)->find($user); $listeDePointage = $em->getRepository(ProfCours::class)->findHorairesParCours($em, $teacherId, $idCours); return $this->render('profEmargementsParCours.twig', array( 'listeDePointage' => $listeDePointage, 'prenom' => $user->getPrenomUtilisateur(), 'nom' => $user->getNomUtilisateur())); } public function listeEmargementsPassesParCours(EntityManagerInterface $em, Request $request): Response { $pasdePointage = pasPointer($idCours, $idDate, $idCreneau); return $this->render('panelProfListeEmargements.twig', array( 'pasdePointage' => $pasdePointage, 'prenom' => $user->getPrenomUtilisateur(), 'nom' => $user->getNomUtilisateur())); } // function called public function pasPointer($idCours, $idDate, $idCreneau) { // SQL function executed $requestPasPointer = "SELECT ec.etudiant FROM etudiant_cours ec left JOIN pointage po inner JOIN utilisateur u on u.id = po.utilisateur_etudiant_id inner JOIN cours_planning cp on cp.id = po.cours_id and cp.cours = :conditions_particulieres_generales_client and cp.plage_horaire_id = :conditions_particulieres_generales_client and cp.date_cours = :conditions_particulieres_generales_client ON po.utilisateur_etudiant_id = ec.etudiant where po.utilisateur_etudiant_id is null"; $exectPasPointer = $bdd->prepare( $requestPasPointer ); $exectPasPointer->execute( array( ':idCours' => $idCours, ':idDate' => $idDate, ':idCreneau' => $idCreneau )); }
I want to get the result of the function, but i don’t understand this error. The functions are in the same Controller, i do a simple call. and idea? thank you!
I think your function pasPointer
lives inside of your controller class. If this is the case, change this line:
$pasdePointage = pasPointer($idCours, $idDate, $idCreneau);
$pasdePointage = $this->pasPointer($idCours, $idDate, $idCreneau);
You will notice the addition of $this->
in my suggestion. $this
is a reference to the current object (the controller class) and ->
is used to call a method on your controller class (if pasPointer
is living in your controller class, it is a method of your class).