Good morning all.
Here I try to get cookies to be able to check if the user has them to be able to recreate a session for him.
But in the boot() I do not get the value of my cookie I get data but I do not know where it comes from!
function public admin() { Cookie::queue(Cookie::make('customer', 1, 5000)); Cookie::get('customer'); // value '1' }
public function boot() { Cookie::get('customer'); // value 'eyJpdiI6IlwvQnE1RW1RV3FBa0Y2dHBSOStWSXVnPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImZRcWsyeHhqMUhxS01aaTFUY2dGSnZJM080NFwvOEVkUVR5Z0lsV3dIQ1Axa1RZMHFyNjh1U.............' }
Could you help me? Can I put another part than in boot() a global function that is called all the time to check and refresh the session if necessary?
Hello everyone so here I post the answer for any people it might interest.
So actually I am going through a middleware to check if I have cookies and recreate a session.
The middleware I put in the kernel.php Web route after the others and everything works fine, because every time I call a route it checks that!