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Extended Request missing data when reaching controller with type-hint

A lot of pieces to this so here’s the meat. Code very slightly tweaked for brevity.

Extended class:


namespace AppHttp;

use IlluminateHttpRequest as LaravelRequest;

class Request extends LaravelRequest



namespace AppHttpMiddleware;

use AppHttpRequest as CustomizedRequest;
use Closure;
use IlluminateContractsFoundationApplication;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;

class CustomizeRequest
    protected $app;
    protected $customizedRequest;

    public function __construct(Application $app, CustomizedRequest $customizedRequest){
        $this->app = $app;
        $this->customizedRequest = $customizedRequest;

    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next){
            Request::createFrom($request, $this->customizedRequest);
        return $next($this->customizedRequest);


Route::get('/books1/{id}',[BookController::class, 'frontend1']);
Route::get('/books2/{id}',[BookController::class, 'frontend2']);



namespace AppHttpControllers;

use AppModelsBook;

class BookController extends Controller
    public function frontend1(IlluminateHttpRequest $request){
        return Book::all();

    public function frontend2(AppHttpRequest $request){
        return Book::all();

The /books1/5?foo=bar and frontend1() path works. $request is populated as expected.

Populated Correctly

The /books2/5?foo=bar and frontend2() path is broken. $request has vast amounts of missing data, like it was instantiated with nothing.

Populated Incorrectly

Evidently if I type-hint my subclass instead of the more generic parent, it’s causing some kind of broken instantiation. From an OO perspective I think this should be perfectly fine and I do specifically need my subclass being provided so prefer that type-hint. Is something deep within Laravel tripping this up? Is this some obscure PHP behavior I haven’t seen before?



This is kind of tricky.

First of all, you need to be familiar with the service container and dependency injection. Here is the full doc:

When you type hint a class inside a controller method, Laravel will try to understand what it should do with it.

If nothing is registered inside the service container, it will try to make a new instance of it.

IlluminateHttpRequest is bound as a singleton (

While a simple bind will return a new instance at each call, a singleton will always return the exact same instance.

Here is a quick demo:

AppModelsUser::class is a class that is not explicitly bound.

When you try to resolve it using the service container, it will not find it and will try to make a new instance:

$u1 = app(AppModelsUser::class);
// Searching AppModelsUser::class...
// Cannot find AppModelsUser::class...
// returning new AppModelsUser();

$u2 = app(AppModelsUser::class);
// same process again

$u3 = app(AppModelsUser::class);
// and again

// You can check these instances are indeed different by checking their hash:
   spl_object_hash($u1), // 000000004af5213500000000220f0bc0 (52135)
   spl_object_hash($u2), // 000000004af5213400000000220f0bc0 (52134)
   spl_object_hash($u3)  // 000000004af5213700000000220f0bc0 (52137)

But since IlluminateHttpRequest::class is bound by Laravel, it follows a different path:

$r1 = app(IlluminateHttpRequest::class);
// Searching IlluminateHttpRequest::class...
// Found it! Bound as a singleton.
// returning new IlluminateHttpRequest() and storing the 
// instance in case it is required again later;

$r2 = app(IlluminateHttpRequest::class);
// Searching IlluminateHttpRequest::class...
// Found it and already called! Returning the stored instance ($r1)

$r3 = app(IlluminateHttpRequest::class);
// Searching IlluminateHttpRequest::class...
// Found it and already called! Returning the stored instance ($r1)

// Their hash are the same
   spl_object_hash($u1), // 0000000011f522cf0000000077704cd1
   spl_object_hash($u2), // 0000000011f522cf0000000077704cd1
   spl_object_hash($u3)  // 0000000011f522cf0000000077704cd1

Now, what’s happening?

Under the hood, when a new request is made to your app and before hitting the controller method, Laravel will do a lot of things to prepare the IlluminateHttpRequest instance.

For instance, it will setup the route resolver inside IlluminateRoutingRouter:

     * Return the response for the given route.
     * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest  $request
     * @param  IlluminateRoutingRoute  $route
     * @return SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse
    protected function runRoute(Request $request, Route $route)

// here

        $request->setRouteResolver(function () use ($route) {
            return $route;


        $this->events->dispatch(new RouteMatched($route, $request));

        return $this->prepareResponse($request,
            $this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request)

Each time Laravel internally call a method like this:

protected function method(Request $request){
     // do something to $request

$request is always the same instance, because it is bound as a singleton.

We are now in your controller.

    public function frontend1(IlluminateHttpRequest $request){
        // Searching IlluminateHttpRequest::class...
        // Found it and already called! 
        // Returning the stored instance that has been prepared through all
        // Laravel core classes

        dump($request->all());  //well prepared
        dump($request->route('id'));  //well setup
        return Book::all();

    public function frontend2(AppHttpRequest $request){
        // Searching AppHttpRequest::class...
        // Cannot find AppHttpRequest::class...
        // returning new AppHttpRequest();

        dump($request->all());  //nothing
        dump($request->route('id')); //empty
        return Book::all();

If you are still here, how to solve this problem?

The easiest way is to use a FormRequest, initially designed to handle form validation, but if you return an empty rules array, you should be able to do everything you did with your custom AppHttpRequest instance:


namespace AppHttp;

use IlluminateFoundationHttpFormRequest;

class Request extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [];

Try again, everything should work fine, since this is a feature specially designed to replace the initial IlluminateHttpRequest object.

The full doc is here:

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