I am trying to export data to Excel using this PHP Class, so far things are working fine and the export is being generated. But now I have a new requirement of generating multiple sheets inside a single excel file.
For example if i have two arrays, i want both to be on separate sheets.
$myarray1 = array (
1 => array ("Oliver", "Peter", "Paul"),
array ("Marlene", "Mica", "Lina")
$myarray2 = array (
1 => array ("Oliver", "Peter", "Paul"),
array ("Marlene", "Mica", "Lina")
At present both arrays are being exported on a single sheet
$xls = new Excel_XML;
$xls->addArray ( $myarray );
$xls->addArray ( $myarray2 );
$xls->generateXML ( "testfile" );
I am wondering if someone tried this before and was able to achieve it and I will appreciate any help I can get on this.
i would suggest you to use PHPExcel library.supports variety of formats, can do visual formatting and is easy to use. You can find more about it at their webpage: http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/
You can do a lot more of course, reading excel files, setting visual styles, creating plots, expressions and lot more.
you can even use fgetcsv http://php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php