I am beginner web developer. I make my project with use Laravel 8 and Maatwebsite Excel.
I make this code to prepare data to save to excel file:
use MaatwebsiteExcelExcel;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsExportable;
public function downloadData1(ReportRequest $request)
$data = ImmovablesExport::select('*')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->take(10)->get()->toArray();
$fileName = 'Raport z ' . now().'.xlsx';
$sheets = [];
foreach ($data as $i => $item) {
$sheets[$i]['pesel'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['pesel'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['name'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['name'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['surname'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['surname'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['email1'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['email1'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['email2'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['email2'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['email3'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['email3'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['phone1'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['phone1'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['phone2'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['phone2'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['phone3'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['phone3'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['community'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['community'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['city'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['city'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['street'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['address']['prefix'] ?? '' . ' ' . $item['address']['name'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['building_number'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['building_number'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['apartment_number'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['apartment_number'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['county'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['county'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['district'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['district'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['province'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['province']['name'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['building_type'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['building_type']['name'] ?? '');
$ovens = '';
if (count($item['ovens']) > 0) {
foreach ($item['ovens'] as $ii => $oven) {
$ovens .= $oven['name'] . "(moc: " . $oven['power'] . "), źródło: " . $oven['heat_source']['name'] ?? ''
. ', funkcje: ' . $oven['oven_function']['name'] ?? '' . ''
. ', klasa: ' . $oven['oven_class_number']['name'] ?? '' . ''
. ', paliwo: ' . $oven['fuel_type']['name'] ?? ''. '. ';
$sheets[$i]['ovens'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($ovens);
$sheets[$i]['granted_comments"'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['granted_comments"'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['inspections"'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['inspections"'] ?? '');
$sheets[$i]['oze_installations"'] = $this->prepareStringToExport($item['oze_installations"'] ?? '');
$sheets = collect($sheets); dd($sheets);
return Excel::download($sheets, $fileName, MaatwebsiteExcelExcel::XLSX, [
'Content-Type' => 'text/xlsx',
Generate data work fine.
My debug return this:
IlluminateSupportCollection {#1621 ▼
#items: array:10 [▼
0 => array:22 [▶]
1 => array:22 [▼
"pesel" => "13e212"
"name" => "Lukasz"
"surname" => "Baranowski"
"email1" => "name@wp.pl"
"email2" => ""
"email3" => ""
"phone1" => "555444333"
"phone2" => ""
"phone3" => ""
"community" => ""
"city" => "Gdansk"
"street" => "ul."
"building_number" => "9"
"apartment_number" => ""
"county" => ""
"district" => ""
"province" => "2"
"building_type" => ""
"ovens" => ""
"granted_comments"" => "none"
"inspections"" => ""
"oze_installations"" => ""
2 => array:22 [▶]
3 => array:22 [▶]
4 => array:22 [▶]
5 => array:22 [▶]
6 => array:22 [▶]
7 => array:22 [▶]
8 => array:22 [▶]
9 => array:22 [▶]
I have problem with save my data to excel file. When I run my code I have downloaded empty file (without my data).
How can I make repair it?
Please help me.
Try to remove your filename and content type :
public function downloadData1(ReportRequest $request)
( )
return Excel::download($sheets, 'export.xlsx');
EDIT: according to the official documentation, the only way you can export is via FromCollection :
The easiest way to start an export is to create a custom export class. We’ll use an invoices export as example.
namespace AppExports;
use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection;
class InvoicesExport implements FromCollection
public function collection()
return Invoice::all();
In your controller we can now download this export:
Excel::download(new InvoicesExport, 'invoices.xlsx');
If you try to export any other way you will get an empty set.