I have this Contractor Model
public function ContractorDetails()
return $this->hasOne(ContractorDetails::class)->select('id', 'contractors_id');
And ContractorDetails Model
public function Contractors()
return $this->belongsTo(Contractors::class);
I can retrieve all columns under the Contractors Model, but whenever I do this $contractors->ContractorDetails->id, it will show this error “Trying to get property ‘id’ of non-object” . however when I just use this $contractors->ContractorDetails, it is able to show this collection {“id”:6,”contractors_id”:24}
My controller looks like this
**$contractors = Contractors::orderby('name')->with('ContractorDetails')->get();**
My blade file
@foreach($contractors as $contractor)
<tr class="bg-white lg:hover:bg-gray-100 flex lg:table-row flex-row lg:flex-row flex-wrap lg:flex-no-wrap mb-10 lg:mb-0">
<td class="w-full lg:w-auto p-3 text-gray-800 text-center border border-b block lg:table-cell relative lg:static">
<span class="lg:hidden absolute top-auto left-0 bg-blue-200 px-1 py-1 text-xs font-bold"> Contractor Name</span>
{{ $contractor->name }}
<td class="w-full lg:w-auto p-3 text-gray-800 text-center border border-b text-center block lg:table-cell relative lg:static">
<span class="lg:hidden absolute top-auto left-0 bg-blue-200 px-1 py-1 text-xs font-bold">Status</span>
<span class="{{$contractor->status == 0 ? 'px-2 inline-flex text-xs leading-5 font-semibold rounded-full bg-yellow-100 text-green-800' : 'px-2 inline-flex text-xs leading-5 font-semibold rounded-full bg-green-100 text-green-800' }}"> {{$contractor->status == 0 ? 'onHold' : 'Approved' }}</span>
<td class="w-full lg:w-auto p-3 text-gray-800 text-center border border-b text-center block lg:table-cell relative lg:static">
<span class="lg:hidden absolute top-auto left-0 bg-blue-200 px-1 py-1 text-xs font-bold">Actions</span>
<x-jet-button wire:click="{{ route('ContractorID', [$contractor->ContractorDetails->id])}}" wire:loading.attr="disabled">
{{ __('EDIT') }}
<x-jet-danger-button wire:click="confirmContractorDeletion( {{$contractor->id }})" wire:loading.attr="disabled">
{{ __('Delete') }}
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Found a fix.
I create another function under my Contractors Model
public function getContractorDetailsAttribute()
return $this->ContractorDetails()->pluck('id')->first();
Now I can get the ID from the ContractorDetails Model with this