We have 4 Offices with many assigned ZIP Codes:
- 21079, 22085,…. = Hamburg
- 10115, 10178,…. = Berlin
- 60306, 60312,…. = Frankfurt
- …..,……,…. = Munich
- everything else = Head Office
Is it possible to read out the ZIP Code Input from the Form and send the Mail to the assigned Office dynamically?
It has to be dynamically without a dropdown (on Front End) of all ZIP Codes or Cities.
I tried this without success
// hook into wpcf7_before_send_mail
add_action( 'wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'cf7dynamicnotifications'); // Hooking into wpcf7_before_send_mail
function cf7dynamicnotifications($contact_form) // Create our function to be used in the above hook
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); // Create instance of WPCF7_Submission class
$posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data(); // Get all of the submitted form data
if( $posted_data["plz"] == '21079' ) {
$recipient_email = 'office1@xyz.com';
elseif($posted_data["plz"] == '22085') {
$recipient_email = 'office2@xyz.com';
elseif($posted_data["plz"] == '12345') {
$recipient_email = 'office3@xyz.com';
else {
$recipient_email = 'head-office@xyz.com';
// set the email address to recipient
$mailProp = $contact_form->get_properties('mail');
$mailProp['mail']['recipient'] = $recipient_email;
// update the form properties
$contact_form->set_properties(array('mail' => $mailProp['mail']));
Thank you for your help. My solution works well, I had problems with my email provider.
Do you know how I can extend the value? I would like to instert more than one value.
For example:
if ( ‘21079’, ‘21080’, ‘21081’ === $posted_data[‘plz’] ) { $recipient_email = ‘office1@xyz.com’;
This gives me an syntax Error.
Also this didnt worked:
if ( ‘21079’ || ‘21080’ || ‘21081’ === $posted_data[‘plz’] ) { $recipient_email = ‘office1@xyz.com’;
Your question was almost correct. The set_properties()
needs to pass the whole array (in your case) $mailProp
* Dynamically Change the recipient.
* @param object $contact_form The contact form 7 contact form object.
* @return void
function cf7dynamicnotifications( $contact_form ) {
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); // Create instance of WPCF7_Submission class.
$posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data(); // Get all of the submitted form data.
// Make sure the field is filled in.
if ( isset( $posted_data['plz'] ) ) {
if ( '21079' === $posted_data['plz'] ) {
$recipient_email = 'office1@xyz.com';
} elseif ( '22085' === $posted_data['plz'] ) {
$recipient_email = 'office2@xyz.com';
} elseif ( '12345' === $posted_data['plz'] ) {
$recipient_email = 'office3@xyz.com';
} else {
$recipient_email = 'head-office@xyz.com';
// set the email address to recipient.
$mailProp = $contact_form->get_properties( 'mail' );
$mailProp['mail']['recipient'] = $recipient_email;
// update the form properties.
$contact_form->set_properties( array( 'mail' => $mailProp ) ); // Pass the whole array.