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Dont print empty json arrays in php

Im programming a website where I can query server details from a game server. The problem is, that Ark sometimes prints empty playernames. That happens because there connecting at this moment or because they’re bots. I dont want to show them on my website. The problem is, that i don’t know how to exclude them. Maybe somebody can help me. It prints something like this:

Never Sober: 00h:05m:11s

kishko: 00h:05m:03s

FarmersmurfX: 00h:01m:47s

Furiousdiamon3: 00h:01m:21s

: 00h:00m:00s

: 00h:00m:00s

: 00h:00m:00s

And I dont want the last three to be shown.

I use this to display the players on my website and convert the seconds to time:

foreach ($serverstatus->players as $player) {
 echo('<h5 class="dark">');
 $rawtimeconv = $player->raw->time;
 $rawtimeconv = round($rawtimeconv);
 $output = sprintf('%02dh:%02dm:%02ds', ($rawtimeconv/ 3600),($rawtimeconv/ 60 % 60), $rawtimeconv% 60);
 echo $player->name . ": ";
 echo $output;
 echo "</h5><br>";
And this is my Json file.

   "name":" [ARENA] Deathmatch - (v344.3)",
      "game":"ARK: Survival Evolved",



To skip empty names, add this at the beginning of your foreach loop :

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