I am currently displaying date in my php code like below
$date = $news_row['date']; $newDate = date("l M d Y", strtotime($date));
its giving me output like
Monday Mar 08 2021
Instead I want output like
Monday Mar 08th 2021
I have found function
function ordinal($number) { $ends = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th'); if ((($number % 100) >= 11) && (($number%100) <= 13)) return $number. 'th'; else return $number. $ends[$number % 10]; }
on this answer
But I am not getting idea how I can use it with my date format. Let me know if anyone here can help me for do it.
Thanks a lot!
You can specify any character that you want:
$newDate = date("l M dth Y", strtotime($date));
But if you want to get 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ...
you should use:
$newDate = date("l M jS Y", strtotime($date));