I created this method to unlink when I update the image but it doesn’t work with if not empty if I say empty it deletes. it is so strange I tried but didn’t work. I tried this without oop it works in another application. I changed it for it and I checked google but no solution till now. someone used is_uploaded_file on here for the solution but it doesn’t work too.
public $tmp_path; public $upload_directory = "images"; public function picture_path(){ return $this->upload_directory.DS.$this->filename; } public function set_file($file) { if(empty($file) || !$file || !is_array($file)) { $this->errors[] = "There was no file uploaded here"; return false; }elseif($file['error'] !=0) { $this->errors[] = $this->upload_errors_array[$file['error']]; return false; } else { $this->filename = basename($file['name']); $this->filename = preg_replace('#[^a-z.0-9]#i', '', $this->filename); $kaboom = explode(".", $this->filename); // Split file name into an array using the dot $fileExt = end($kaboom); // Now target the last array element to get the file extension $this->filename = time().rand().".".$fileExt; $this->tmp_path = $file['tmp_name']; $this->type = $file['type']; $this->size = $file['size']; } } public function getordelimage(){ static::find_by_id($this->id); $target_path = SITE_ROOT.DS. 'admin' . DS . $this->picture_path(); if(empty($this->tmp_path)) { $this->filename; $this->type; $this->size; } elseif (!empty($this->tmp_path)) { return unlink($target_path) ? true : false; } else { return false; } } public function move_image(){ $target_path = SITE_ROOT.DS. 'admin' . DS . $this->upload_directory . DS . $this->filename; return move_uploaded_file($this->tmp_path, $target_path); } public function delete_photo(){ if ($this->delete()) { $target_path = SITE_ROOT.DS. 'admin' . DS . $this->picture_path(); return unlink($target_path) ? true : false; } else { return false; } }
my edit page:
if (empty($_GET['id'])) { redirect("photos.php"); } else { $photo = Photo::find_by_id($_GET['id']); } if (isset($_POST['update'])) { // $photo = Photo::find_by_id($_GET['id']); if ($photo) { $photo->title = filter_var($_POST['title'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $photo->caption = filter_var($_POST['caption'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $photo->alternate_text = filter_var($_POST['alternate_text'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $photo->description = filter_var($_POST['description'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $photo->set_file($_FILES['filename']); $photo->getordelimage(); $photo->move_image(); // if ($photo->set_file($_FILES['file'])) { $params = [$photo->title, $photo->description, $photo->caption,$photo->alternate_text, $photo->filename, $photo->type, $photo->size, ]; // } else { // $params = [$photo->title, $photo->description, $photo->caption,$photo->alternate_text]; // } $photo->save($params); $session->message("The {$photo->filename} has been updated"); redirect("edit_photo.php?id=$photo->id"); } }
your answer is hiding in your question :). probably you have problem in your oop database construct check it.