There are methods that empty the cart if you add a new product.
function wdm_empty_cart( $cart_item_data, $product_id, $variation_id ) { global $woocommerce; $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart(); }
But what I want is only if you add the same product. So adding if ( $in_cart )
does the job but I also do not want to empty whole cart.
Just want to delete the same product that added previously and keep the others.
I mean overwrite.
You can use woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation
action hooks and check against products that are already in the cart. code will go in your active theme functions.php file.
add_filter('woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'remove_cart_item_before_add_to_cart', 1, 3); function remove_cart_item_before_add_to_cart($passed, $product_id, $quantity) { $already_in_cart = false; foreach( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $key => $item ){ // Check if the item is already is in cart. if( $item['product_id'] == $product_id ){ $already_in_cart = true; $existing_product_key = $key; break; } } if( $already_in_cart ){ WC()->cart->remove_cart_item($existing_product_key); } return $passed; }