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Decrementing row count with Laravel pagination (not Incrementing)

I want to display the row count of a decrementing paginated collection in Laravel, I have searched a lot, and there are methods to do it incrementing order, but not decrementing.

Explaining the issue:

Using Laravel 8.x, I have a controller method like this (simplified):

public function page(){
    // Please note the orderBy('id','DESC')
    $info = ModelName::where('something','value')->orderBy('id','DESC')->paginate(5);
    return view('page', compact('info'));

In my view, I display the data in a table like this

@foreach($info as $item)
      <td>{{ $info->firstItem() + $loop->index; }}</td> /* <--- This is where I need help */
      <td>{{ $item->name }}</td>

And finally the pagination links

{{ $info->links() }}

Currently, even though I have a orderBy('id','DESC') and the first result in table is actually the last data, I am displaying the row count (#) in table like this:

Page 1:

|  #   |         Name        |
|   1  |        Value J      |
|   2  |        Value I      |
|   3  |        Value H      |
|   4  |        Value G      |
|   5  |        Value F      |

Page 2:

|  #   |         Name        |
|   6  |        Value E      |
|   7  |        Value D      |
|   8  |        Value C      |
|   9  |        Value B      |
|  10  |        Value A      |

But what I want to do is to display the row count in reverse

Because first result displayed is actually the last result (orderBy('id','DESC')).

Like this:

Page 1:

|  #   |         Name        |
|  10  |        Value J      |
|   9  |        Value I      |
|   8  |        Value H      |
|   7  |        Value G      |
|   6  |        Value F      |

Page 2:

|  #   |         Name        |
|   5  |        Value E      |
|   4  |        Value D      |
|   3  |        Value C      |
|   2  |        Value B      |
|   1  |        Value A      |

How can I achieve this?

P.S. I cannot just use the ID, as there are gaps in between results because of the WHERE clause.



In case any one else needs to do this, here is the solution:

{{ ($info->total() - ($info->firstItem() + $loop->index)) + 1 }}
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