I have a question,
I am migrating from MVC to hexagonal architecture and DDD architecture in a laravel project.
I understand that a value object represents an attribute of table X but I have a problem, I have a table with 60 columns, would it have 60 value objects? That same table in the laravel controller has a join with 20 separate tables, the columns of those 20 tables are also value objects?
and a question, for example I ask for a records of the same table by the id, when I get the result and I must create the model, should I instantiate the 60 value objects?
$users = $this->user->find($id);
$user = new User(
new UserId($users->id),
value object 2,
value object 3. to 60 value objects
I would say that the whole joined table is usually a value object. Value object would be for example an address that contains street/town/country, etc.
Of course you can always describe every single column as a separate class, but in my opinion it’s an over-engineering and if you don’t expect any special domain behaviour for that value (method in value object class) it’s a waste of time.
You should also consider if those 20 tables have to be a part of your entity. I usually use a relations within one entity table + some tables related to this specific entity and I do not share these related tables with other entities. I don’t create references between different enitities’ contexts. Maybe you have a set of enitiest and you need a set of repositories/factories for them. And if there are two repositories you shouldn’t join them at SQL level.
I know that every case is different, but you should always try to write small pieces of code. Small classes, entities, bounded contexts, modules, services, … It’s usually easier to deal with.