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Datatables: how to preserve id when sorting through a relation from another table (yajra, laravel)

I’m using datatables from yajra datatables and I have a problem.

I have a datatable where I obtain certain columns from other tables, for example the column “customer” is obtained through a relation from another table

enter image description here

But when I press the sort by customer button, the IDs change to the ID of the table where the relation belongs

enter image description here

This generates errors in the buttons that I have on the right since these IDs do not exist in the “meos” table, only in the “locations” table that is in the relation

How can I make it sort while keeping the same ID it had?

I want to always keep as order criteria the ID of the table I am with, which is the “meos” table belonging to the “meo” class

This is my query

public function query()
    $languageId = Auth::user()->language_id;
    return Meo::with(['businessType' => function ($query) use ($languageId) {
        $query->with(['businessTypeDescriptions' => function ($subQuery) use ($languageId) {
            $subQuery->where('language_id', '=', $languageId);

this is my function getcolumns

protected function getColumns()
    return [



please, I need help.

Thanks 🙂



Try below code. Add ->select() statement

public function query()
    $languageId = Auth::user()->language_id;
    return Meo::with(['businessType' => function ($query) use ($languageId) {
        $query->with(['businessTypeDescriptions' => function ($subQuery) use ($languageId) {
            $subQuery->where('language_id', '=', $languageId);

Replace meo-table with your database table for Meo::class

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