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Customizer Object Header Background image issue (HTML to WordPress)

i’m trying to convert html template into wordpress with more easy to edit, for this i do try to add front page header slider images and content into customizer object. Like easy to edit for users. user can go to Appearance>>customize>>Home Page hader>> and then there he/she can choose image for slider background and content also, everything works fine for me but background image doesn’t work for me , query returns some digit like 11 or 16 but it should return image URL. HTML TEMPLATE: Code shows below

into functions.php

$wp_customize->add_panel( 'landing_panel',
   'title' =>  'Landing Panel' ,
   'priority' => 10, // Not typically needed. Default is 160
   'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', // Not typically needed. Default is edit_theme_options

 $wp_customize->add_section( 'landing_page_background',
          'title' => 'Home Background' ,
          'description' => __( 'Home Background Customizer ' ),
          'panel' => 'landing_panel', // Only needed if adding your Section to a Panel
          'priority' => 2,

//Background Image
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'sample_default_media',
      'default' => get_theme_file_uri('template_url'). 'imagesbanner.png',
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Media_Control( $wp_customize, 'sample_default_media',
      'label' => 'Background Image',
      'description' => esc_html__( 'This is the description for the Media Control' ),
      'section' => 'landing_page_background',
      'priority' => 1,


into front-page.php

style="background-image:url(<?php echo get_theme_mod('sample_default_media', get_theme_file_uri('template_url'). 'imagesbanner.png'); ?>) "

Output: background-image:url(11) i do check it in inspect, it is suppose to be url like wp-content/images/banner.png etc



it works for me using

    $img_id = get_theme_mod('sample_default_media');
    $img= wp_get_attachment_url( $img_id );
  style="background-image:url(<?php echo $img; ?>) 
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