How can i create a custom error message for a custom validation. I’m using codeIgniter4
Okay guys so I’m a bit of a newbie with CI4 and I have created a custom validation file using the spark command ./spark make:validation
and it works but the problem is I still don’t know how to customize the error message too for instance when I try to validate the date 05-06-2022 the message is Validation.isWeekday, I want to let it say something meaningful like date is not a weekday.
This is how my validation looks like
namespace AppValidation; class CustomDateValidation { public function isWeekday(string $date): bool { return date("N", strtotime($date)) < 6; } }
And my controller function looks a bit like this
if($this-validate(['date'=>'required|isWeekday'])){ ... }
You can pass a options array for each field you want validate instead of just the rules string:
if($this-validate([ 'date'=> [ 'rules' => 'required|isWeekday', 'errors' => [ 'required' => 'The date field is required', 'isWeekday' => 'The date must be a weekday' ], ])){ ... }