I´m traying to create one counter for my blog´s categories. This should appear to the right name side of my category . i´m using my model with variable appends, that after i will use in my blade for show my result in one span. But i don´t know very well how i can use count in my Model. I´m doing this in my model Blog.
my variable appends contain:
protected $appends = [
i´m traying this:
return $this->blogs()->count();
i have a relation between blog and blog_category with:
public function blogCategory()
return $this->belongsTo(AppModelsBlogCategory::class, 'blog_category_id', 'id');
i want to do in my view appear for example:
innovation (2)
in my view i´m doing this:
@foreach($categories as $category)
<li><a href="{{ url('blogs/'.$category->name) }}">{{ trans('web.blog_category_'.$category->name) }}</a><span>{{$category->postCounter}}</span></li>
but always returned me 0, and i have post with categories
With laravel relationship withCount
you can do this easily. If you want to count the number of results from a relationship without actually loading them you may use the withCount method, which will place a {relation}_count
column on your resulting models.
add withCount
method to your query
$categories = Category::withCount('blogCategory')->get();
You can access the count in your foreach loop
// $category->blogCategory_count
@foreach($categories as $category)
<a href="{{ url('blogs/'.$category->name) }}">
{{trans('web.blog_category_'.$category->name) }}