This works totally fine on my local dev version in all browsers…
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key=>$val) {
echo $val . '<br />';
…and will return all the current cookie values on the page, like this:
The problem is that it doesn’t return anything in Firefox or Edge on production. It does work in Chrome on production though.
Here’s how Chrome dev tools sees the cookies on my local version:
Name Value Domain Path Expires / Max-Age Size Priority
wish_product_10425 10000 testing.local / 2021-08-08T04:48:37.000Z 23 Medium
wish_product_10499 20000 testing.local / 2021-08-09T01:54:38.000Z 23 Medium
wish_product_10644 30000 testing.local / 2021-08-09T01:54:39.000Z 23 Medium
…and here’s how Firefox dev tools sees the cookies on my local version:
Name Value Domain Path Expires / Max-Age Size HttpOnly Secure Priority SameSite
wish_product_10425 10000 testing.local / 2021-08-08T04:48:37.000Z 23 false false Medium None
wish_product_10499 20000 testing.local / 2021-08-09T01:54:38.000Z 23 false false Medium None
wish_product_10644 30000 testing.local / 2021-08-09T01:54:39.000Z 23 false false Medium None
In summary, it works on my local dev version in all browsers, but on production it only works in Chrome.
Just FYI yes on production the cookie domain is the correct production domain. There are no PHP errors either.
After fixing the cookies based on excellent suggestions by @CBroe, this loop still did not work:
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key=>$val) {
echo $val . '<br />';
…until I tried it on a completely different web host, where it worked fine (and so did my other cookie related scripts).
The problem turned out to be our host WPEngine who, according to the support conversation I had, says the only way to get around the issue was for them to exclude the desired cookie name (or partial cookie name) from their cache.
Once that was done, everything worked.
More info: