I need to convert a PHP array into HTML tag attributes, with spaces and quotes, this is an example:
$array=array( 'attr1'=>'value1', 'id'=>'example', 'name'=>'john', 'class'=>'normal' );
This is the result I need to achieve:
attr1="value1" id="example" name="john" class="normal"
There is any PHP function to do it?
I am trying these:
- http_build_query
- array_walk
You can also use this easy one line code, please follwo below code::
$array=array( 'attr1'=>'value1', 'id'=>'example', 'name'=>'john', 'class'=>'normal' ); $data = str_replace("=", '="', http_build_query($array, null, '" ', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)).'"'; echo $data;
attr1="value1" id="example" name="john" class="normal"