Trying to convert incoming Form values from Ajax to a Php Array, but it seems to be behaving like strings
With the below reg ex if i have the input name handy, I may be able to manually replace the keys through a loop, but I don’t think that would be the best approach, please suggest
preg_match('/^A[d+]/', $key); preg_match('/^B[d+]/', $key);
My form is something like this
<input type="text" id="c[0]" name="c[0]" value="">
This is what my incoming form value from Ajax to PHP looks like
Array ( [A[0]] => Test1 [B[0]] => Test2 [C[0]] => Test3 [D1[0]] => Test4 [A[1]] => Test1 [B[1]] => Test2 [C[1]] => Test3 [D1[1]] => Test4 )
I would like to convert the incoming values to a php array like the below
A[0] = Test1 A[1] = Test1 B[0] = Test2 B[1] = Test2
Was sending form elements to Ajax with json_encode, so had to decode on incoming, then parse_str did the job, converted the strings to array, could not avoid the foreach loops
$p2 = json_decode($_GET['form_ele1'], true); $p4 = array(); foreach($p2 as $key => $value){ $tkey = $key; parse_str($tkey, $arr); foreach($arr as $key2 => $value2){ $p4[$key2][key($value2)] = $value; } } $p2 = $p4;