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Combine validation errors and return one single message

I have two arrays I want to validate in my custom Request:

$rules = [
  'params.words1.*.value' => 'required|string|between:5,50',
  'params.words2.*.value' => 'required|string|between:5,50',

This returns an error message per each word. But I want a single general message like “Some of the words are invalid”. Is there any Laravel-way to do this?



You could do this:

$messages = [
    'params.*' => 'Some of the words are invalid.',


I think I may have found a solution:

First, make sure you import both Validator and HttpResponseException at the top:

use IlluminateContractsValidationValidator;
use IlluminateHttpExceptionsHttpResponseException;

Then, you can override the native failedValidation method and alter your errors however you want:

protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
    // Get all the errors thrown
    $errors = collect($validator->errors());
    // Manipulate however you want. I'm just getting the first one here,
    // but you can use whatever logic fits your needs.
    $error  = $errors->unique()->first();

    // Either throw the exception, or return it any other way.
    throw new HttpResponseException(response(
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