Is it possible to chain static methods together using a static class? Say I wanted to do something like this:
$value = TestClass::toValue(5)::add(3)::subtract(2)::add(8)::result();
. . . and obviously I would want $value to be assigned the number 14. Is this possible?
Update: It doesn’t work (you can’t return “self” – it’s not an instance!), but this is where my thoughts have taken me:
class TestClass {
public static $currentValue;
public static function toValue($value) {
self::$currentValue = $value;
public static function add($value) {
self::$currentValue = self::$currentValue + $value;
return self;
public static function subtract($value) {
self::$currentValue = self::$currentValue - $value;
return self;
public static function result() {
return self::$value;
After working that out, I think it would just make more sense to simply work with a class instance rather than trying to chain static function calls (which doesn’t look possible, unless the above example could be tweaked somehow).
I like the solution provided by Camilo above, essentially since all you’re doing is altering the value of a static member, and since you do want chaining (even though it’s only syntatic sugar), then instantiating TestClass is probably the best way to go.
I’d suggest a Singleton pattern if you want to restrict instantiation of the class:
class TestClass
public static $currentValue;
private static $_instance = null;
private function __construct () { }
public static function getInstance ()
if (self::$_instance === null) {
self::$_instance = new self;
return self::$_instance;
public function toValue($value) {
self::$currentValue = $value;
return $this;
public function add($value) {
self::$currentValue = self::$currentValue + $value;
return $this;
public function subtract($value) {
self::$currentValue = self::$currentValue - $value;
return $this;
public function result() {
return self::$currentValue;
// Example Usage:
$result = TestClass::getInstance ()