this is my first post here. Been reading stackoverflow for a long time and i want to take a time to appreciate everything you do to help community. Thank you.
A lack of knowledge in scripting area leads me to creating this post. Due to complication of my problem (in my opinion) i wasnt able to google the solution. First of all – i would really appreciate any related material links to be able to leard by myself. If there is any modern solution for what im trying to do – i’d rather switch from bashcgiphp to it since i dont know much.
I have an apache 2.4 and what im doing is trying to create web application. It now has bash syntacsis but i will convert it to CGI later on when figure out how to build working bash script. It does:
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
file=$(ssh -p 48563 root@$srv1 'ls -1t /app/docker/pg/backup/daily | head -n 1')
echo '<html>'
echo '<head>'
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'
echo '<title>Form Example</title>'
echo '</head>'
echo '<body>'
echo "<form method=GET action="${SCRIPT}">"
'<table nowrap>'
'<tr><td>Input</TD><TD><input type="text" name="srv1" size=12></td></tr>'
'<tr><td>Section</td><td><input type="text" name="srv_list" size=12 value=""></td>'
echo '<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest01" checked> Test server №1<br>'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest02"> Test server №2<br>'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest03"> Test server №3'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest04"> Test server №4'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest05"> Test server №5'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest06"> Test server №6'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest07"> Test server №7'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest08"> Test server №8'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest09"> Test server №9'
'<input type="radio" name="srv2" value="sv00dbtest10"> Test server №10'
echo '<br><input type="submit" value="Process Form">'
'<input type="reset" value="Reset"></form>'
scp -3 -P 48563 root@$srv1:/app/docker/pg/backup/daily/$file root@$srv2:/app/docker/pg/backup/$file
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "systemctl stop docker-compose"
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "rm -Rfv /app/docker/pg/data"
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "tar -zsxvf /app/docker/pg/backup/$file --strip=3 -C /app/docker/pg/"
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "chown -R 1000:1000 /app/docker/pg/data"
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "systemctl start docker-compose"
ssh -p 48563 root@$srv2 "rm -Rfv /app/docker/pg/backup/$file"
ssh -p 48563 root@sv00apptest01 "docker exec server1c /opt/1C/v8.3/x86_64/rac infobase update --cluster=7f122b3b-799c-4c98-a98f-4953a78eff48 --infobase=$srv_list --infobase-user=123 --infobase-pwd=123 --db-server=$srv1"
if [ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "GET" ]; then
echo "<hr>Script Error:"
"<br>Usage error, cannot complete request, REQUEST_METHOD!=GET."
"<br>Check your FORM declaration and be sure to use METHOD="GET".<hr>"
exit 1
# If no search arguments, exit gracefully now.
if [ -z "$QUERY_STRING" ]; then
exit 0
# No looping this time, just extract the data you are looking for with sed:
srv1=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*srv1=([^&]*).*$/1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
srv2=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*srv2=([^&]*).*$/1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
srv_list=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*srv_list=([^&]*).*$/1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
echo "Restored base: " $XX
echo '<br>'
echo "On the server: " $YY
echo '</body>'
echo '</html>'
exit 0
So the problem is that i cant figure out how to use a pool of created variables and assign them to another variable, $srv_list. So that when users enter text into a web form, the script reacts only to values from variables. And another problem is to create web form in which for variables $srv1 and $srv2 entered text goes to script and executes it. And the time when people enter text from web-form application, variable will evalute to script and execute it. Im reading this post atm And trying to create something similar. Thanks in advance.
Instead of creating each variable once create an array:
And to process this list you can loop over the array with for
for i in ${srv_list[@]}; do
ssh -p 48563 root@sv00apptest01 "docker exec server1c /opt/1C/v8.3/x86_64/rac infobase update --cluster=7f122b3b-799c-4c98-a98f-4953a78eff48 --infobase=${i} --infobase-user=123 --infobase-pwd=123 --db-server=$srv1"