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can’t use paginate when use sortby in Laravel

I Want to get products and sort it by mutator attribute in my case it’s called price

i search for how to sort it and found that i can use sortBy from the collection

like that

private function search()
    return Product::with(['firstImage', 'category'])

it works fine, but when I try to add paginate nothing happens and there is no paginate in the response

private function search()
    return Product::with(['firstImage', 'category'])


So how can i add paginate in this case?


price mutator

public function getPriceAttribute()
    return $this->sell_price - (($this->discount * $this->sell_price) / 100);



Unfortunately there is no way to call paginate() on collection. You may manually paginate the collection result or modify your query and use addSelect or orderByRaw to include mutated value:

use IlluminateSupportFacadesDB;

Product::select('*', DB::raw('(sell_price - ((discount * sell_price) / 100)) AS price'))

By the way, I think you’ll get the same result to order by sell_price column instead of price mutated value if your discount is a constant value, so try orderBy('sell_price') instead of sortBy('price'):

Product::with(['firstImage', 'category'])

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