I want to make sure that the current user is able to edit the users credentials so I made the following UserPolicy:
class UserPolicy
use HandlesAuthorization;
public function update(User $user, User $model)
return true;
//return $user->is($model);
I even registered the policiy inside AppServiceProvider:
protected $policies = [
User::class => UserPolicy::class
Now I try to add the following middleware to the update-route in web.php: “->middleware(‘can:update,user’);” like this:
Route::patch('/profiles/{user}',function (){
dd('It works');
But I keep getting the following error:
Error Class ‘2’ not found
Where 2 is the user-id who we try to patch. If I was logged in with user-id 1 that will be the class not found. I don’t understand why. I followed the documentation on Laravel website (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/authorization#via-middleware).
I have also tried to set {user} to {user:id} -> Same result
I have tried adding the id on “can” like this: can:update,user:id -> Gives 403 not authorized
The edit.blade.php has the following:
<form action="/profiles/{{ auth()->user()->id }}" method="POST">
I have of course tried running: “php artisan optimize” with no effect
What am I missing here? What’s wrong?
I now tried the same thing with a Gate instead. I put the following inside AppServiceProvider.php:
public function boot()
Gate::define('edit-user', function(User $currentUser, User $user){
return true;
//return $currentUser->id === $user->id;
And the following middleware inside web.php:
Route::patch('/profiles/{user}',function (){
dd('It works');
And it gives me the exact same error: Class 2 not found
I even tried to pass the full models path like this:
Route::patch('/profiles/{user}',function (){
dd('It works');
And it gives me the following error:
Argument 2 passed to AppProvidersAppServiceProvider::AppProviders{closure}() must be an instance of AppModelsUser, string given, called in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Access/Gate.php on line 474
I would think it is due to not using model binding, you are passing the id
where it expects an user
model. Check if this version works.
Route::patch('/profiles/{user}',function (User $user) {
dd('It works');