How do I send a response()->stream() to google drive ? I’m not getting it because this method returns a class and not a file. My question is if I will need to save locally using file_put_contents() so that I can then send it to google drive
public function buildCsv($columns, $content): Closure { return function () use ($columns, $content){ $file = fopen('php://output', 'w'); fputcsv($file, $columns); foreach ($content as $item) { fputcsv($file, $item); } fclose($file); }; }
$cb = $this->buildCsv($this->CSVColumns, $csvData); Storage::disk('google')->put("csv-test", response()->stream($cb, 200, $headers));
On google drive my file looks like this:
Try this
public function buildCsvFile($columns, $content): string { $file = tmpfile(); fputcsv($file, $columns); foreach ($content as $item) { fputcsv($file, $item); } $metaDatas = stream_get_meta_data($file); return file_get_contents($metaDatas['uri']); }
$cb = $this->buildCsv($this->CSVColumns, $csvData); Storage::disk('google')->put("csv-test.csv", $cb);