I’m generating Bit.ly short url with v3 api. In original URL I have some DB action after hitting it. But when I generates the bit.ly url, it automatically hit the original URL.
Check my below code of bit.ly api call.
$url = 'http://api.bit.ly/v3/shorten?login='.BITLYAPICALLLOGIN.'&apiKey='.BITLYAPICALLAPIKEY.'&uri='.urlencode($longurl).'&format=json';
$s = curl_init();
curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$result = curl_exec($s);
curl_close( $s );
Can we avoid automatic URL call from bit.ly?
Bitly does fetch the long URL of a Bitlink to retrieve page title and related information. Our requests respect the robots.txt standard (http://www.robotstxt.org).
If you wish to request our systems stop making these requests, you may do so by updating your robots.txt file on the appropriate domain. Note that we do cache a site’s robots.txt for 24 hours, so it will take a day before the change takes effect.
The robots.txt stanza to disable this behavior is:
User-agent: bitlybot
Disallow: /
Also I’d recommend updating to V4 of our API as it is the latest and greatest: https://dev.bitly.com