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“bindParam” with multi-parameters after “Limit” couldn’t work in php?

I have encounterd this problem and can’t find a solution, Can some expert help me here?

public  function getComments($postId,$pageCmt){
        $db = $this->dbConnect();

        $req = $db->prepare('SELECT id, comments FROM comments WHERE post_id = ? ORDER BY ind_date DESC,date_comments DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' );

        $req->bindParam(2,$cmtNb,PDO::PARAM_INT );                 


         return $req;

It seems the problems comme from the parameter after LIMIT, coz if i take off ” LIMIT ? OFFSET ?” the codes can work with the first parameter $postId, comments will be fetched,

But if i add the codes with “LIMIT ? OFFSET?” on the page there will be no comments fetched but no error showed neither,

Any idea?.




I Got the Solution today:

By using still ” LIMIT ? OFFSET ?” and then:

      $req->bindValue(2,$cmtNb,PDO::PARAM_INT );               


It works perfectly today!, thanks you guys.

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