I am using the code below to base 64 decode a token
list($header, $payload, $signature) = explode (".", $token); $jsondata = base64_decode($payload); $data = (array) $jsondata; $oSession->aSSO["email"] = $data["emails"]; $oSession->aSSO["customerId"] = $data["CustomerId"];
If I do var_dump($data);
I get
array(1) { [0]=> string(411) "{"nbf":1572801391, "exp":1572801691, "iss":"ISS", "aud":"AUD","nonce":"NONCE", "iat":IAT, "sid":"SOD", "sub":"SUB", "auth_time":1572800662, "idp":"IDP", "CustomerId":"CUSTOMERID", "emails":"EMAIL", "amr":["pwd"]}" }
How do I get access to emails and CustomerId?
These are both coming back blank even though we can see from the var_dump that they are present
I have tried data[0]->CustomerId with no joy either
What you should be able to do is JSON decode the string without casting it to an array.
list($header, $payload, $signature) = explode (".", $token); $jsondata = base64_decode($payload); $data = json_decode($jsondata, true); $oSession->aSSO["email"] = $data["emails"]; $oSession->aSSO["customerId"] = $data["CustomerId"];